We at Gethsemane Baptist Church, believe in one true God revealed to the human race in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. His Word, the 1611 Kings James Version Bible, is the source of the Lord’s written will for our convictions.
Jesus Christ, His Son, is the only doorway to God the Father. Everyone being drawn by the Holy Spirit, may only come to know and eternally be with God if in this life, they have submitted their being to Jesus by belief in His Gospel, accepting the gracious gift of God. This gift of God, the free pardon of sin offered to all, can be fully known in one’s heart upon the moment of salvation by faith through the indwelling of God’s Spirit.
By the assurance and instruction of His Word, one may come to know the peace of God that passeth all understanding, and be directed on a glorious, experienced filled, eternal pathway.
Join us as we seek out the old paths of God in this modern world.
We still use the 1611 King James Version Bible, sing joyously from hymnals, and are not affiliated with the entertainment industry. Download our app here!